
This blog was, at one time, all about who I was professionally. My professional focus was around social media marketing and communities: nurturing, building, collaborating, listening, enabling, discussing (sometimes arguing…) and doing what I can to recognize that behind these interactions lie human beings with lives, problems, significant others, bills, jobs and sometimes pets.  Social media is a toolset, but it is still about people and relationships.  Human-to-Human (#H2H) communication and authenticity are central to building relationships and trust, without which businesses and communities will fail.  With those firmly in my sights, I started my company, Social Sapiens in 2014 and retired in 2019.

Now, I am retired and taking a different tack with this blog. I am more than what I did for a profession. I am a spiritual director, occasional preacher/teacher and life-long learner. I am a diabetic. I am a Navy Band Retiree (and remain a musician at heart…). I am an Iowan transplanted to the Pacific Northwest. I am a father. I am a spouse. I am a Kindle fanatic. I am a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000….well, you get the idea. Now this digital space will take on an even more Authentic Voice

All opinions expressed on this blog are my own and do not reflect those of any of the organizations I worked for or associate with.

As I continue on this journey, my aim for this blog/thought space is to bring my experiences to relevance in a publication I hope is found to be helpful and valuable.

I grew up in central Iowa, as I mentioned, and enjoy traveling all over (as much as limited mobility and health will allow).  Two of my favorite places remain Hawaii (especially the island of Kauai) and Vienna.

I also am owned by seven cats who are probably ready to eat now…..oh, yeah….like I have to ask…..

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